

Making red light beautiful.


Inspiration: Tech and Furniture Fusion

Our main source of inspiration is on how technology is becoming less cold and blending in with home furniture and materials. Some good references are Google, Bang & Olufsen.

Considerations & Key Features

  • Red light panel/box that is more visually sympathetic to the home in which it sits.

  • The product is not hidden away when it’s not in use.

  • A beautifully considered feature.

  • Discreet.

  • Multiple functions / utility

  • Modularity, adding sets together to create a larger ‘booth’

  • Develop a collection / range, different sizes with the same visual language.



Concept 1: Z-Frame

The U.S. has a thriving metalwork industry. With it being the third biggest producer of raw steel in 2014, employing over 149,000 people in mills and over 69,000 in foundries. 

But today, the industry has shifted from larger scale integrated mills, to smaller, specialised ‘mini-mills’, which use recycled scrap rather than raw ore to produce the material. Today, two-thirds of the iron and steel produced in the U.S. is made from recycled scrap, rather than from iron ore. 


The Z-frame pays homage to this industry, and lends itself to the material and manufacturing methods used in specialised mini-mills across the US.

The Z-frame is a free-standing base that has a built-in shelf to hold a range of items while users engage with the product. The tray can easily be removed, exposing a rack that can hold items of clothing or a towel, further enhancing the object’s functionality while being used.



Concept 2: Hang

Hang is a playful panel connection that allows the user to display their Redlight device in an attractive way, by creating a fixture that combines soft materials and warm colour / material finishes.


Hang allows a personal element, if different materials and customisations are available, it will give the user a sense of ownership about displaying their panel. 

The simple hook method also allows for an easy detach from the wall if the user wish to move the panel somewhere else.



Concept 3: Y-Frame

The Y-Frame concept was greatly driven by the desire to reuse waste material in the manufacturing and production process of the stand. 

It utilises the capabilities of injection moulding, whilst using recycled plastics to produce a support for the Redlight panel that is not only functional and beautiful, but repurposes valuable waste material into something new.


The stand includes lightweight moulded attachments that can be fixed to the stand, as shown by this bottle holder feature.