Makers Department

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Designing Products to Launch on Kickstarter

What is your biggest achievement on Kickstarter to date?

Our backers are a really special group of people who have put a lot of faith in us, but a standout is many of their comments and interactions have been thought out in a way that is reflective of the design efforts that went into our scooter.

Secondary to that, we blew past our 100k funding goal on Kickstarter in less than 3 days.

What 5 tips would you give to anyone that wants to create a new product to launch on Kickstarter?

It takes a village to make a product. Choose people who really care about what you're trying to create.

Preparing for a Kickstarter is a big endeavor that goes beyond making a product. Get great imagery of your product to make sure you do it justice.

Make sure you explain your product in an easily understandable way.

Dedicate a lot of time to speak to potential backers, they deserve your attention and will teach you a lot about how they perceive what you're bringing into the world.

Ensure you've got rewards/pricing available for all levels of interest to help build momentum.

Describe your experience of working with Makers Department.

“An absolute pleasure! The closest thing to an in-house team!”

What did Makers Department enable you to achieve?

“Makers Department helped us to make sure that form and function went hand-in-hand. Everyone we speak to has an appreciation for what we're doing because they are able to enjoy the form just as much as the functionality baked into the product.”